Wednesday 27 July 2016

New photos of baby Hadiza who was severly malnourished after Boko Haram attacked her parents home in Borno - shared by TY Bello

Photographer TY Bello today shared a new photo of baby Hadiza who made headlines after photos of her malnourished body hit the internet. TY caught up with her mother during a photo shoot in Borno recently and took photos of Baby Hadiza. TY wrote;


Few of us will forget the first images we saw of baby Hadiza on the Internet . Her body broken and severely malnourished .. She didn't look like she was going to make it .
Baby Hadiza's image shook us back to reality . She woke us up from our denial .. There was an active war within our boarders .. And it was cold and wrong for the rest of the country to carry on like it was all happening on another planet.


Photographs of a recovering baby Hadiza a few weeks afterward was a beacon of hope ... Showing us how big a difference can come to the lives of the victims of this war when individuals , organizations and the government work together to solve a problem. It's clear we all must find a way to get involved .
I was delighted to meet a happy Hadiza when I visited on of the centers created specially for severe cases of malnutrition .I almost didn't recognize her .Her mother shared their story :
"We left Bama on the first day of the attacks for Bula Karim . We walked for a day to get there.We felt it was safe.
We spent two months in Bula Kareem.. Hadiza got sick and our food quickly dried out .. We had a little wheat for a while .. We started starving once it finished . We would go for three days without having any thing to eat at all ... Thirst killed a lot of people around us in the village .
We had to run off again at 3am after a neighboring village was burnt down and felt BokoHaram was heading our way.
We ran back to Bama with no food still and things got worse for Hadiza when I also fell ill and stopped producing breast milk.
Thankfully ,the army came to our rescue and transferred us to Maiduguri where we recieved treatment . I'm so happy to see her doing much better .The quarters where we received treatment is our home now .".

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